yes, i do, i feel good. finally. not because of winning or getting anything, but just the whole feeling like theres nothing bothering you. thats all i've ever wanted in life. To have nothing to bother you what so ever.
Right now, im just trying my way as it is, study and revise as much as i can.. this is the literate point where i sacrifice my time and not go out. and i mean not at all.. my bad grades gave me a slap to the face. so im trying my best to change as much as i can during these four months for SPM.. and ill be happy enough to meet my old self back after that.. Sigh*patience is a virtue*.. thats all in my mind right now.
And i've got to do something about my eating habbits lately.. ive been seriously eating the things like i said i wassnt suppose to last 2 months ago.. its so hard losing weight. so many things i have to put into mind to not grow fatter.. i have to start doing something now or i wont win that 50 bucks bet with muiz we made.. no worries im strong.. ill figure something out sooner or later.
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