so it was an ordinary morning for me, felt good about goin to school and i just felt the urge to study.. i seriously did. it was like the side of me was changing and trying to overcome my bad habbits..
well, ill let you know, that all of that was just a seemless way to phsyc you out.
I was on my way to Agama, and out of no where, PMS called me to head for the dewan.. including adrees, and almost everyone i knew.. it turned out that we were called cause of we were" Budak-budak yang bermasalah".. and i was one of them.. why?? i dont know. it was random call from all the discipline teachers.. probably it was because the day's when i skipped class etc etc..
Encik Mokhtar,our dear headmaster.. came in the hall, giving all of us this smirk face of his.. some of us were probably wondering if we're getting expelled or something..
Well, the guy started giving us his lecture about how irresponsible, reckless, and rude we are towards the school and teachers.. he was making statements like we havent heard all of this from our parents before.. saying that we should be thrown away from this school so they can live a life in SU in peace.
The thing is, some of us has learnt the lessons, and are trying to move on.. for instance?. me. adrees. muiz.gautham.. and all the guys that i know of that is trying to change.. ever since i got back my results, it gave me a clear tight slap.. so getting to repeat that feeling again when i've already moved on, pissed the hell out of me..
i was literally imagining me blowing up the school with C4's when the teachers was giving their lectures..i felt like wacking the shit out of every teacher that came near me.. i bet to you, if all of us had balls to do that today, we would have gone to jail by now and the school would be discipline teacher free..
so in the end, i eneded up leaving the hall pissed off, a slightly bad haircut from Pek Ngoh, and a whole lot more reasons why i should hate school.
[SSW] Regarder; L'Incroyable Burt Wonderstone 2013 Film Complet Gratuit
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