5 things in your bag
1. Journal
2. Economi notes
3. pencil case
4. my black book
5. calculator
5 things in your wallet
1. 2 tags from Euphoria m.o.s
2. guitar pick
3. young picture of me
4. I.C
5. old europen money
5 favourite things in your room
1. stereo
2. dumbells
3. Air-conditioning
4. big mirror
5. somfy bed
5 things you'd want to do in the near future
1. lose weight and buff up
2. get my driver lisence
3. get a girlfriend
4. Upgrade my computer
5. finally get my Ducati
5 things you're doing right now
1. doing this survey
2. texting my tuition teacher to replace class
3. online on facebook and myspace
4. checking new Top Gear vids on youtube
5. thinking on what to eat
5 people you want to tag
1. Adrees
2. Muiz
3. Sofia
4. Adruce
5. Elaine
[SSW] Regarder; L'Incroyable Burt Wonderstone 2013 Film Complet Gratuit
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