had an awesome day with maison today.. we havent gotten to actually hang out, so this was just the perfect thing we needed.
Started off at my house at 9, my mom was supprisingly kind enough to let me use the car to go for some breakfast nearby.. felt good to finnaly have a good conversation with the guy plus the morning enviroment, it was perfect for me..
Then we shifted to parade to buy myself a pair of slippers, and maison being the guy who he is, goes and wastes his money buying a bluetooth headset.. bought shisha filling from carrefour and took the bus all the way to his house from there on..
We eventually got "high" with the shisha in his room while watching Bruno on his laptop.. so basicly for us, we were watching a movie thats already funny as hell, but funni-er thanks to the shisha.. and i swear, that movie's not for the faint of heart, especially if your straight.. if you've watched it, you'll know what i mean..
So i went home 7-ish, took the bus, and i've got to say, when you have a good serious song to play through your headphones while looking out the window, gives you the space and time to think whatever you want.. somehow it even helped me clear my mind...
so basicly, the whole day was unplanned, and to me, thats what makes up for a perfect day... Mais, Love you bro..
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