You know when you get those dreams about that certain someone, and when you wake up you find out it was just a dream and you feel so dissapointed that it wasnt true, so you just want to forget about the whole thing and move on right?
well, those dreams came back to hanut me.. and its one of the most annoying things you can ever get when you're already in a whole lot of pressure and depression.. but i've gotta say, it put a smile on my face... its like god wants me to feel at least abit of happiness in some way.. and im guessing this is his way of repaying my wants... right now, i dont want those dreams to end... cause reality's a bitch.. and it would'nt hurt to live in a wonderland once in a while if you know what i mean... :)
this song trully brings backy my memories.. its too bad i couldnt actually sing it when i was suppose to.
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