I finally had a trully "raya" day with my boys today.. just good plain fun goin around when i know i get to hang out with them.. we all had a good lunch at my house since Adrees inscisted it.. Maison decided to come at the last minute.. and somehow all of them came the same time.. so it was set prepped.. bunch of guys, with a car, and 2 of us with tones of raya money.. heh
By the time we got to Maisons house, things turned out to look like another bob marley song.. Shisha, ciggs, and a few beers, it would've been epic if we had weed, but no..not for now.. anyways, for me, that felt like heaven. now i have to face back to reality that Spm is in a month or so.. i NEED to staple my eyes to the books from now on.. sigh.. i had a really good week though.. Best Raya i ever had i would say..
Gautham looking really freaky
Corona for life
Turbog sucks, but maison's shisha rocks
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