no, as i mean literally, this was yesterday's story.. i could'nt help but to blog about it.. it was a REAL long day but it was worthwhile..
I went out at 9 to meet up Adrees at McD near Taylors, so i had no choice to walk in the rain all the way to 15 just for the guy.. i was wet like a dog by the time i got there. and we headed off for pool after that.. We decided to go watch Surrogates with Farhan, and we just rolled along to pyramid by cab from there on..
The movie was real good. it showed how lazy and over cautious human turned to be in the future.. but i dont wanna ruin the movie for everyone..After the movie we Farhan had the idea to go window shopping, and yea it sounds gay, but who cares, its the only way you can try on new clothes without buying it.
Anyways, Adrees and i then headed back to 15 to meet up with the other guys.. They planned to go for Amir's open house in Shah Alam, so basicly we didnt have a choice but to tag along, or just be left alone.. By the time we arrived at the KTM station, Adrees bailed out at the last seconds for Sofia that was comming to Subang.. so it was just me and my fellow malay gang, and vimal which i count as malay as well since he talks like one.. HAHA.. I havent Ride a train in years, so it felt kind of weird taking public transport thats stuck on tracks and goes slower then a motorcycle.. We stopped at Batu tiga train station, and took a cab to Amir's house.. OUr cab driver got lost and Anen decided to just get dropped off nearby a round-about.. so we had to jump over a fence to get into the housing area compund, and my knee hit the railing of the fence and it was god damn painfull..
We finally reached the house 15 minutes later.. thanks to Anen.. I had a good few grabs of the satay that was served, and a whole lots of laughs at the dinner table, and i mean ALOT.. we headed up to his room, and Aimran could'nt help by grabbing a Bibi gun that was on the table, and pointed the gun towards everyone.. so there we were, grown 17 year old guys screaming like girls trying to avoid a plastic bullet.. Vimal had a not so great idea by taking cover in Amir's Closet, and all of us pretended that we left while amir was holding the closet door.. and i swear, those was the funniest 5 minutes of my life.. i was holding on not to laugh through out the whole time.. we eventually gave up and let him out..
All in all, for a tiring day like that, migrating from place to place, it was
seriously an awesome day..its just too bad Adrees could'nt join us for it
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