wooh, i had fun alright
So yea, for the past 3 days, muiz, adrees, and I came up with a plan over 2 months ago to totaly skip a camp and do whatever we can during those three days.it was just something to make us feel free for awhile.. take a brake from all the stress we gotten from school and parents, Etc.well, that day finally came and we were all in the position of being last minute..LITERALLY
FitRaY: whats the status on tomorow?!
muiz : we r on
muiz : adrees can come
FitRaY: thats the main problem now
muiz : nazrin will do it for us
muiz : adrees cuz
FitRaY: has the cousin called yet?
muiz : he is gettin the num
muiz : so chill
FitRaY: i have it
muiz : then pass it to adrees
FitRaY: hes not picking up!!
muiz : haih
muiz : just chill
FitRaY: we need the hotel by TOMOROW, how can i chill
muiz : fit
FitRaY: this is beyond last minute.
muiz : can u just think possitif
FitRaY: uhh, can you think logic..
muiz : dude the hotel is not full
muiz : me and tham went there
FitRaY: what IF, we dont get to have a room..
muiz : ok fuck this shit
muiz : we will get the fuckin room k
FitRaY: im being precautios..
FitRaY: aint my fault
muiz : i know
muiz : but ur freakin out
FitRaY: of course i am, we planned this months before and we still never did anything about the hotel
FitRaY: what happened to yothan?
muiz : i dont know
FitRaY: he comming or what?
muiz : he is
FitRaY: just make sure someone lets me know whats goin to happen tomrow..
FitRaY: what time should we meet up?
muiz : i dont know
like i said, LITERALLY..
Thank god things came our way the next day.. i got enough money like the very last second(no joke).. and we did like Nazrin told us to do, walk in and get a room.. so we took a cab and did the most prioritised thing, which was to get a room and change Adrees's coins.. AGAIN, he brought 100 bucks worth of coins..
Me and Gautham did it the smart way and gave maybank a call and it turned out to be closed already..while they were busy talking their way through to getting a room.. and in the end we thankfully did. it was so easy.. the guy didnt even ask for IC's or what not.. we just paid the ammount and went upstairs.. The room was small, but cosy.. it even had a tv which had astro, a water heater, and the privallige to smoke in the room for 80 bucks a night.. now thats budgeting. The feeling was priceless, being independent and being there just to have fun with friends..
We headed off to pyramid to watch "Night At the Museum 2" that night, so we headed off there early than we should have..James called out of a sudden and asked if he could join the group for our 3 day outing and we couldnt help it but to say yes to the guy.. Me and Gautham went to Starbucks to meet up with him while Adrees and muiz were goin to see Sofia at her studio.. the guys took forever to meet back up.. the movie was hillarious, i couldnt stop laughing my ass off for almost every scene.. but the air-conditioning gave me a bad flu, and it was fuckingly annoying. through out the night.. getting back to the room was relaxing as hell, we were all tired but even that, got me ,james,and adrees to head downstairs to McD's...
we were all planned out and just hung out in the room as long as possible, when adrees had to change his coins again.. so we just went to the other side of the road and went to Maybank. i was lucky enough to have an account there. his coins were transfered to my account and his coins summed up to 88 bucks.. so i withdrawed RM90 and once again, we had money thanks to Adrees's coin collection..
That night, we unplannedly decided to go to Spaid in Glanmarie which was a small rave gathering for every school from subang.. Gautham and I had serious trouble on money cause the ticket was 35 bucks and we were real short on it.. Sofia came to the rescue and kindly lended us 50 bucks (THANK YOU SOFIA)..speaking of sofia, She was also the dj that night and she teared it up with the songs she played for everyone..i had a blast to just dance my through the night..
we all got out at 12 a.m being all dreanched with sweat, i would say that night was HAWT.. not tempreture wise, but enviroment wise.. from the guys to the girls, everyone was just lookin hot.. i gave myself a slap at the face after the show, cause of not dancing up to that specific girl i was looking at non-stop through out the night.. if had abit more balls that night, i swear, i would've had someone to dance with.. gosh she was eye boggling..
ANYWAYS, i felt bad for Muiz and Adrees cause they had to wait for an extra hour for another cab to get themselves home.. getting to eat McD's was heaven for me and James.. evryone slept like a baby that night..
so it was the last day of our Outing..and we were only broke. But thanks to the deposit money we got back, was enough for us to get another pack of ciggerets and food to saviour our starvation. we headed off inside of pyramid to cam-whore using James's HD camera he brought along.. things ended perfectly for all of us.. no one got hurt, no one died, no one was left behind.. i would say, a whole new level of Skipping was achieved.. we are seriously the Pontengers..
yes i know, this blog is fucking long.. im lifeless
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