And it was.. had a FUCKING exam today.. ON A SATURDAY!!.. and its not just any exam, Additional Mathematics SPM Trials exam.. woke up thinking i could finally rest my eyes and wake late for once, but no.. the school found a way to MAKE people come to school on a saturday. and their solution? exams of course..bloody fuck..
Anyways, my day didnt just end there, my mom was too busy to pick me up and send me here to there, so i had to walk back from school..aaannd, walk to Metropolitan for another crash course.. but, hey, i finally got to actually spend time with Irsyad and Adrees together again.. just like it was back in the old days..Adrees almost wanted to skip whole thing thanks to vimal's devil-ish words and influences.. But he managed to smack the sense back into him..
I have to say the Economi crash course was pretty good. Actually got something to write down and to have something in my brain about Econs..
Im wondering already how stressed i would be during the weeks of SPM itself, cause its only Trials now, i wonder how i would be when the real deal comes..
Eughh, its not a pretty sight.. GOD, just let me go through this with ease.
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