I was having a random hang out with Adrees last night, just simply took the keys and went out the house. we just had a relaxing chill at the padang in 17.. talked alot, caught up witha few things and had pretty much a real satisfying laughs
Out no where, we were busy talking about how this whole H1N1 would be a desease that brings the dead come back to life.. as i mean Zombies. and i have to say, our imagination went wild thinking about it. and by the time i got back, i took the time to watch Dawn Of the Dead.. its a typical zombie movie.. almost everyone gets infected and the ones that are alive are trying to stay alive..
So before that, Adrees and I were thinking what would've happned if something like that would happen in Malaysia.. cause practicaly every house in Malaysia has their own gates, grills, and some with really big doors. So its safe to say, that we here in Malaysia would survive if there were a crisis like that were to happen..
Have you ever thought of it?.. i mean, H1N1 is already spreaded around everywhere in the world, they may have already have walking dead people already but the goverment are just keeping it a secret... who knows right?.. if it is true, im gonna do anything to survive..
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