So it was just a guys day out today, no girlfriends what so ever.. just plain guy time with some pool,lots and lots of laughter and bealching and a really really good movie up in pyramid to fuss about afterwards, and fuss we did alright..
GI.JOE caught me by strom.. it was AMAZINGLY good. its not the fact where the action gets you going, but the Suprise of the details and the movie itself that leaves you tingling.. i swear, when it came to Transformers 2, i was it expecting it to be good, and it was. but for a movie that issnt AS big such as this, came with a BIG outcome.. The lines coming out from peoples mouths in the cinema is already an example on how awesome this movie truly is.. "WOAH", "SHIT!""OMG".... From the hottest casts ever, to the Excelerating suits they wear is just... just.. GAAAHH.. its already leaving me speachless..
and i LOVE Snake Eyes who's this asskicking ninja kinda of guy who apparently, doesnt talk at all through out the movie.. but with an entrance and all the fighting scences like his, you wouldnt need words to love him even more.
As some already may have said.. it might even beat out transformers.. which leaves me on the fence. Both are just top of the line movies, and cant ever choose between these 2 for this year.. but then again, cars, chicks,and alien robots, has always been my ideal way of thinking of a fabuloutasticfuckingly good movie.. im out of words, i just cant choose.. for some of you guys, do all the critisising you want.. I'll be just fine ontop of the fence..
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