which also satnds for.. GYM.. woooh!. i feel good again..
which also satnds for.. GYM.. woooh!. i feel good again..
well a promise was a promise from my mom that she would let me go when exams are over with.. and those 4 weeks of studying were LONG gone.. i did evrything i could today..
met up with james in the morning and had just plain talks and a good breakfast.
decided to shift to AC after that. and we played 8 solid rounds of pool.. and owh god, the guy got better at it more than i could think of.. it felt to me like he was finally a challenge than before.. (no offence james)..muiz finally called back and met up with us eventually.
had them tag along to parade for awhile and just walked around till parade made us think like theres nothing else to do.. i would still choose parade over pyramid anyday.. it has always been there for me since i was child.. and pyramid is way too crowded and its always been the place where i get pissed off..
anyways.. gym made me happier than ever, i would say, it made my week.. scratch that, made my MONTH.. yea, thats how much i love my gym. worked out my ass off..and this feeling of soreness has never felt better..
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Great Young Me
Posted by Fitri at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Im like a bird
well, sort of. EXAMS ARE OVER..thats all i care
(yea, i know, thats not me)
gosh, the whole grewling 2 weeks of full on studying made me crack.. i still dont know how i did it, but i did..
The last paper which was Mathematics and i would say it was the cherry on top. i mean, i did alot of revising on it, and i really wanted to prove myself worthy. and i think i did. calculating this and that without hesitating to the extent which i usually did last year when i didnt know scrap.. an hour and a half just flew and next thing you know, people were screaming with joy. i was already giddy from the begining i started the paper. cause it was THE last paper..
i kept imagining if this is how people would behave on JUST mid-terms, imagine the end of SPM.. i would'nt be supprised if students would start throwing stones for no reason... now thats a sight im lookin forward to.
Posted by Fitri at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Remain calm
im at the edge of my seat... i just need exams done and over with. too much on my mind, i need a decent relaxed outing with friends and just not think for SPM for
2-3 days or so. that day is comming...
Posted by Fitri at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Socialising is key
Okay my days where i say " wooh its been a long day"
well that record has been literally been broken today..
Started off the day with a morning jog in the moring like 6a.m,lift some weights, then just showerd and watched the tv.. a supprising call came in at 8.am from adrees.
we planned to go to mcd and study our agama.. and we did for about an hour or so. the guy had no other money but his coin collection of his 10 cents.. unconsiously met aziemah at Mcd.. she joined us, and we started counting and wraping 1 buck worth of 10 cents with paper of adrees's coins.. and owh god, we came up with 32 bucks!.. and that was just half of the bag he brought..
we came up with the idea to actually change all of it, and went to the maybank nearby
we had no idea banks closes during saturdays.. so we were stuck with the god damn coins.. so we just migrated to parade and walked to the mamak in parade and chilled there for awhile till adrees eagerly needed to go to school just to make a phone call to his dad.. so yea we did, and aziemah parted from us to meet up with her friends for a meeting.. took a cab to school.. we thought the driver said, its gonna cost 4 bucks.. turned out to be 8 when we reached.. the fee was fucking expensive from parade to 18.. then went down to the padang and met up with Jason and Gautham for abit.. then sofia came to pick us up from school to go to pyramid..* now you see the key word is "socialise"?*
we got there and aimlessly met aziemah, again, now in pyramid.. went to Pizza Hut and had lunch had some decent laughs.. adrees had to pay the bill with coins,, all of 22 bucks of it..*sigh*..left to starbucks to meet Vimal and have a smoke.. the guy took forever to come...by the time we did, adrees was running out of wrapped 10 cents.. sat down for like an hour just counting and wrapping the other coins left... came up with 60 bucks more..we bought almost everything with those coins..
so after everyone had to go, it was just me and adrees for the next 2 hours.. we walked aimlessly around and around pyramid while talking about life, friends we like and dislike and friends we were getting annoyed with, girls that wont just leave our minds, and the fact where we felt lonely. *fuck*.i've gotta say, felt good walking and talking with the guy..we finally settled down at sturbucks while we waited for his brother to send us home. the day wouldnt be the way it was without him for me..for that, Love you bro..
a good day it was,i finally had time to catch up with friends and not think about school for decent moment.. i wish i could have more of these days..
Posted by Fitri at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Ups and downs
SOME people are saying, that blogging about exams are lame, but who gives a fuck.. blogging is ABOUT telling what you do or what you feel in daily things you go through..and i blog ALOT.. so seriously, fuck ya'll...
i have just realised that im better at studies when it invloves mainly calculation or common sense in it..i sucked to the max on econs today... i was happy enough that i could do the graph.. fuck econs, my future's got nothing to do with it..
Posted by Fitri at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I love maths? i do!
well, kind of. i rocked on maths paper 2 today, and not just that, my one and only student, adrees, thought he did great too.. high fives were the main thing we could express to everyone..
haih,, paper 1, birng it on..
Posted by Fitri at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
All that fuss? for what?
wooh, thought today would never end..
started the dy off EARLY, like 5.30.. well, i slept through out the night from 7.. so i was charged up and i couldnt go back to sleep. so i went for a jog at 5.30a.m. yes, i jogged in the early ass morning.. made me run better actually cause it the air felt cold and fresh, so my breathing felt lighter as i kept on running..the funniest thing is, i witnessed an accident while i was jogging..and the guy went through the gaurding rail, and hit a few bushes and flipped on it's side with his viva.. it was all kinda far away but close enough to see, so i practicly laughed my ass off..
anyways, i was so unprepared for scince.. people were busy memorising things from books as soon i got to school., and i knew i had no chance, so i just gave up and just flipped through the book unconsciously.. best thing is, the paper was so EASY for me.. and i didnt study A THING... felt good through out both papers and just came home with a relaxed mind.. but fuck, maths is tomorow.. *Sigh*
Posted by Fitri at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Help !
Fuck me, exams are starting already?!
well BM and add maths was yesterday and yes, i fucked up on add maths..
But today, today was a motherfucking bitch cause sejarah was THE motherfucker of all...
so the day started off with english, felt real good about the paper. its the ONLY paper where i can feel safe with. then after recess was sejarah.. and owh my gawhd, it was freakingly hard.. from the moment i opened the paper, my whole brain just went blank, and it felt like all the brain cells in my brain were on holiday.. there was literally NOTHING in my brain about sejarh.. its like its burns up everytime i read it..*Sigh*.. after just half an hour, one by one, started putting their heads on the table and close their papers.. it seemed like everyone was just down right giving up..(thank god i was not the only one then).. even after i woke up from sleep, there was still AN HOUR left.. but it felt like i slept for ages!.. so the pictures was my solution to pass time..
The only thing that made me stay sane
Posted by Fitri at 4:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Its the word that ive been saying on and on..
and the feeling of lonesome gets stronger everyday..
Posted by Fitri at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Cracked Bottle
okay, i cant stand it already..
Exams havent even started yet and im already cracking.. this is not good..
Besides that.. i have this gut feeling of being depressed half of the time.. everything thing that go throught every day just feels so dull these days. i seriously need something to do before i crack..
and news flash, Yours trully has gone fatter.. i looked in the mirror real good the moment i woke up, and it really hit me hard that i have gained weight.. because i know i have been eating alot.. and its annoying me cause i think it just the fact where i feel depressed most of the time.. Plus, i havent had a decent work out in 3 WEEKS!!! and i seriously feel blob-ish.. i need my gym back and fast. before im back to square one..
i just hope these 2 weeks are gonna past fast as possible.. i swear to god,the up comming School holidays are gonna be full workouts..cant wait
Posted by Fitri at 5:52 PM 0 comments
a day at sheraton
so yesterday was the first birthday party i went to this year.. its was Tun's. so i rounded up the gang and just took off to his party.. We looked freaking radiculous cause of bringing the invitaion card knowing we didnt need to..
Anyways, by the time we got there, we met up with Sofia and Aziemah who were despreatly waiting for someone to entertain them... it seemed like we saved them from boredem.. Then Tun told us to head downstairs to eat, and EAT i did.. Nasi briani caught my eyes first cause i was freakingly hungry.. even that, still didnt satisfy me.. so me and adrees went and hunt for some more food.. He got attracted to this Caramell grilled beef, so both of us took a few slices with a side dish of tuna puffs which is THE best tuna puffs ive ever had.. there was an actual moment when i was on the table and i said "im finally happy" cause of the food i was eating..
Sang happy birthday for Tun, and went up to get a smoke.. i felt so satisfied and relaxed.. Yothan couldnt stop bugging to take pictures so in the end, we did..ALOT. fuck you yothan...
Irsyad came up with a game to go on elevators and try and meet up on the same floor..
the most fun thing we did through out the whole time..He was my partner during the game, and we kept on meeting sofia and muiz on every floor. no idea why..The girls wanted to go to the pool area, so we did.. Muiz got randomly thrown into the pool by everyone and i was tryin to stay away from anyone that wanted to try push me in..
Had Sofia's dad to send me back and as bad luck as i was, i was smoking 2 mintues before he came.. wasnt my fault.. she said her dad was comming in half an hour.. So yea, he knew i smoked.. (sorry sofia)..
all in all.. a good day it was..
Posted by Fitri at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A Nightmare come true
It was our 5th fly day this month we had today, and the crowd of people following us were down to the original trio. Muiz, me, and Adrees. We did the all the normal things we could. Breakfast, CC, Study, Pool, then finally lunch..
Gautham eventually joined us throught the study session and he freaked us out cause of his Owh so scary calculation he made about "how many days we're ACTUALLY left before SPM".. which meant all the time of the normal things we do PER day like sleeping, eating , taking a bath.. etc etc are cut off from the 24 hours we spend everyday.. and the guy summed up the numbers and it turned out we were left 80 FUCKING DAYS LEFT.. or 256 hours per subject in counting.. the pressure is always building.. i dont know how i can take it much longer. the tense situation almost made me vomit and almost made adrees go to the top floor of Inti College building and jump off of it..
Speaking of adrees, worst of the worst happened to him. EVERYTHING was going fine, it was already after school by then, and we were at Bistro drinking our drinks that we could only afford for ourselves...
THEN, *ringing tone from adrees's phone* came out, caller ID says that it was his brother Shane, and we were all thinking nothing was goin to happen untill he picked up the phone.. " Did you ponteng school today?cause the school call daddy" ..BAM from there on, we knew he was a dead man.. i myself was shivering.. fuck school man. they seriously dont have a life and start entering peoples lives..
The worst part is, everytime when you actually do try to do something right, it tends out to be wrong somehow or another..
Posted by Fitri at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
im not letting go, im moving on
" i can live without you, but without you ill be misserable"
Posted by Fitri at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Saya Memang Pukimak
SMP as we all know is the motherfucker of the school.
So there i was, in class listening to his lessons and his fucked up accent in 2 periods of Mod maths.
Out of a sudden, he stareted judging people one by one what we would get on this up comming exam...
"you, 50-70%", "you, 60-70%" when it came to me, he took at least 5 seconds to say it
"YOU, 20-30%" so i went.."HUH" and he said " Betul, saya tengok muka kamu pun saya dah tahu kau akan fail.."
WHAT THE FUCK?!.. i scored at least 50 last semester you Son of a fuck!..
i mean it pissed me off the whole day because of ONE line he said. i swear, if there wasnt any rules in school, would've thrown my calculator at his fat fucked head..
Its hard enough i have to be there in your class,, go suck someone elses balls you shitface!!
Posted by Fitri at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Well, my days on the treadmele are over.. for now. since i cant go to gym till after exams.. so i plugged on my earphones and ran around the whole of SS17 TWICE.. felt good knowing a guy my size could do that without even getting tired.. i swear, i didnt feel tired at all eventhough my shirt was dreanched with my sweat. literally.
Adrees called me out of a sudden and told me to join him in Canai 15.. but i was wet like hell, so me as the hardcore fan of adrees, did the right thing by goin all the way back to my house and take a shower, AND all the way back to Canai 15..
*Sigh* .the things i usually do for my bestfriends
Posted by Fitri at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
BIG mistake
Its like what almost everyone says.
well folks, those words are absolutely, negatively, and fuckingly, true.
It showed how much i get from school everyday,Nothing..
im just glad that i have That much friends to make me forget about it.
Seriously, i study more than i do in school when i skip it with friends and have a study group.. i dont get pressure, or bored, or the need to walk out of class and not study!.
All i know, im SO god damn happy that its my last year in school.. though its gonna be sad to those who have to still be in school by next year.. good luck chumps!.
all i have to do now, is to handle it for another 6 months somehow..
Posted by Fitri at 11:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tic Toc, Tic Toc.....
Another fly day for the trio today.. and the best part is, time was moving slowly as possible.. even after i got back home. things were still sloth-ish..
weird, but ill accept it as a good thing. cause no one likes rushes..
Posted by Fitri at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Smartest thing we've done
he looks like a girl with short hair with a mole on his cheek
So today was a good one i'll say.. finally got my wish to skip school.
Best part is, none of us planned to study at AC, but magicly, all of us brought books..
so after a game of COD in FTZ, we went up and started opening our books.. the enviroment was better than ever.. i mean a place where you can study with air conditioning ,choice of drinks to buy, and the privallage to smoke WHILE studying, felt awesome.
So since Adrees had problems with his maths, i taught him a few or two.. and the guy couldnt stop celebrating for every answer he got right.. feels good to teach a friend. Makes yourself feel alot better and smarter... All i know, the last thing i need is for my mom to drive up my ass for the bad results i got last semester.. im just hoping to do real good on the up comming mid-year. *fingers crossed*
Posted by Fitri at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
God knows his jokes alright..
Spending my time in school feels good at times.. such as today where i gave full concentration on every period.. and it made me feel smart somewhere inside..
then after school, i had a study session with Quraisha at McD's.. and even I taught her on a few questions.. its actually been awhile since ive teached someone that im good at.. and all of that made me feel good..
But when it came to tuition at night, things just fell apart when i started discussing the exam questions the teacher gave us.. and as embarassing as it sounds. i got 8/88.. i have no idea what went wrong.. when she came to me and tried to discuss a question that only i didnt know, i barely understood what she was saying when the question was freaking easy... i felt like smacking MYSELF in the face knowing how stupid i felt..
sometimes, when you think things are just fine and dandy, life just knows how to screw it up for you somehow.. literally, im Six feet from the edge.
it makes me think about life more than ever.
Posted by Fitri at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
gay date? dont think so.
anyways, the original plan was to watch X-Men origins at curve after that. but apparently there was no more space for james who made a last minute desicion.. and the our only transport was irsyad's parents... due to the last minute plan, his parents got mad. (sorry irsyad).. so the whole mood just shut me down and both of us decided not to go..
in the end, we went to parade to have a drink.. then out of a sudden, james's cousin called to join him at pyramid.. so we used the most independable way to get arround, a taxi.. the driver was fastest driver ive ever had.. we got there from parade in 5 mins.. by the time we got there, his cousin called and said that he could'nt come.. so there i was, stuck with james in pyramid.again.
the guy was generous/gay enough to buy a set of popcorn and drinks..
Watching X-Men gave me a boner.. Gambit wowed me from the moment he used his powers..
Wolverine sicked me out since his original claws were made out of bone but still made my eyes dropped everytime he killed everybody.. all in all.. the movie was the best ive seen this year.
So, on the way home in the cab., the driver turn off his radio and started talkin about how life is actually simple.. his advice was " just dont get caught"... he was goin on and on about how usually people fail in life cause they get caught on what they do.. it occured to me how insane his advice was, cause apparently we smelt like cigerette and the guy was busy saying to us "make sure you wash up when you get home, you wouldnt want your parents to know" in the begging of the conversation.. i didnt really know if he was looking up for us or him being an old man.. god knows. All i know Its hard to find a good driver like him these days..
Posted by Fitri at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Labour day

Posted by Fitri at 9:34 PM 0 comments