wooh, thought today would never end..
started the dy off EARLY, like 5.30.. well, i slept through out the night from 7.. so i was charged up and i couldnt go back to sleep. so i went for a jog at 5.30a.m. yes, i jogged in the early ass morning.. made me run better actually cause it the air felt cold and fresh, so my breathing felt lighter as i kept on running..the funniest thing is, i witnessed an accident while i was jogging..and the guy went through the gaurding rail, and hit a few bushes and flipped on it's side with his viva.. it was all kinda far away but close enough to see, so i practicly laughed my ass off..
anyways, i was so unprepared for scince.. people were busy memorising things from books as soon i got to school., and i knew i had no chance, so i just gave up and just flipped through the book unconsciously.. best thing is, the paper was so EASY for me.. and i didnt study A THING... felt good through out both papers and just came home with a relaxed mind.. but fuck, maths is tomorow.. *Sigh*
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