so yesterday was the first birthday party i went to this year.. its was Tun's. so i rounded up the gang and just took off to his party.. We looked freaking radiculous cause of bringing the invitaion card knowing we didnt need to..
Anyways, by the time we got there, we met up with Sofia and Aziemah who were despreatly waiting for someone to entertain them... it seemed like we saved them from boredem.. Then Tun told us to head downstairs to eat, and EAT i did.. Nasi briani caught my eyes first cause i was freakingly hungry.. even that, still didnt satisfy me.. so me and adrees went and hunt for some more food.. He got attracted to this Caramell grilled beef, so both of us took a few slices with a side dish of tuna puffs which is THE best tuna puffs ive ever had.. there was an actual moment when i was on the table and i said "im finally happy" cause of the food i was eating..
Sang happy birthday for Tun, and went up to get a smoke.. i felt so satisfied and relaxed.. Yothan couldnt stop bugging to take pictures so in the end, we did..ALOT. fuck you yothan...
Irsyad came up with a game to go on elevators and try and meet up on the same floor..
the most fun thing we did through out the whole time..He was my partner during the game, and we kept on meeting sofia and muiz on every floor. no idea why..The girls wanted to go to the pool area, so we did.. Muiz got randomly thrown into the pool by everyone and i was tryin to stay away from anyone that wanted to try push me in..
Had Sofia's dad to send me back and as bad luck as i was, i was smoking 2 mintues before he came.. wasnt my fault.. she said her dad was comming in half an hour.. So yea, he knew i smoked.. (sorry sofia)..
all in all.. a good day it was..
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