well, sort of. EXAMS ARE OVER..thats all i care
(yea, i know, thats not me)
gosh, the whole grewling 2 weeks of full on studying made me crack.. i still dont know how i did it, but i did..
The last paper which was Mathematics and i would say it was the cherry on top. i mean, i did alot of revising on it, and i really wanted to prove myself worthy. and i think i did. calculating this and that without hesitating to the extent which i usually did last year when i didnt know scrap.. an hour and a half just flew and next thing you know, people were screaming with joy. i was already giddy from the begining i started the paper. cause it was THE last paper..
i kept imagining if this is how people would behave on JUST mid-terms, imagine the end of SPM.. i would'nt be supprised if students would start throwing stones for no reason... now thats a sight im lookin forward to.
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