Okay my days where i say " wooh its been a long day"
well that record has been literally been broken today..
Started off the day with a morning jog in the moring like 6a.m,lift some weights, then just showerd and watched the tv.. a supprising call came in at 8.am from adrees.
we planned to go to mcd and study our agama.. and we did for about an hour or so. the guy had no other money but his coin collection of his 10 cents.. unconsiously met aziemah at Mcd.. she joined us, and we started counting and wraping 1 buck worth of 10 cents with paper of adrees's coins.. and owh god, we came up with 32 bucks!.. and that was just half of the bag he brought..
we came up with the idea to actually change all of it, and went to the maybank nearby
we had no idea banks closes during saturdays.. so we were stuck with the god damn coins.. so we just migrated to parade and walked to the mamak in parade and chilled there for awhile till adrees eagerly needed to go to school just to make a phone call to his dad.. so yea we did, and aziemah parted from us to meet up with her friends for a meeting.. took a cab to school.. we thought the driver said, its gonna cost 4 bucks.. turned out to be 8 when we reached.. the fee was fucking expensive from parade to 18.. then went down to the padang and met up with Jason and Gautham for abit.. then sofia came to pick us up from school to go to pyramid..* now you see the key word is "socialise"?*
we got there and aimlessly met aziemah, again, now in pyramid.. went to Pizza Hut and had lunch had some decent laughs.. adrees had to pay the bill with coins,, all of 22 bucks of it..*sigh*..left to starbucks to meet Vimal and have a smoke.. the guy took forever to come...by the time we did, adrees was running out of wrapped 10 cents.. sat down for like an hour just counting and wrapping the other coins left... came up with 60 bucks more..we bought almost everything with those coins..
so after everyone had to go, it was just me and adrees for the next 2 hours.. we walked aimlessly around and around pyramid while talking about life, friends we like and dislike and friends we were getting annoyed with, girls that wont just leave our minds, and the fact where we felt lonely. *fuck*.i've gotta say, felt good walking and talking with the guy..we finally settled down at sturbucks while we waited for his brother to send us home. the day wouldnt be the way it was without him for me..for that, Love you bro..
a good day it was,i finally had time to catch up with friends and not think about school for decent moment.. i wish i could have more of these days..
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